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NAPCE News – January 2023

NAPCE News – January 2023

Making a positive difference to young people through pastoral care

LEAD ARTICLE: “Pastoral Care in a Cost of Living Crisis” by NAPCE NEC Member Luke Myer

Pastoral Care in a Cost of Living Crisis by Luke Myer

In the last edition of NAPCE’s Pastoral Care in Education, the Editorial from our new Editor Noel explored the unprecedented context that schools are operating under. The UK is experiencing the worst cost-of-living crisis in a generation; school budgets are more stretched than ever, and teachers and school staff are themselves struggling with energy costs and childcare.

Amidst these challenges, schools have an ever more heightened responsibility to their pupils. As families struggle with worsening household bills, the emotional and physical impact on the wellbeing of our must vulnerable children is stark. Never has pastoral care been more important.

Even when faced with this impossible set of tasks, schools are stepping up like never before. Many schools are supporting families through breakfast clubs, school lunches and after-school clubs. We have heard stories every day about the lengths pastoral care staff are going to to support their pupils. In our recent Pastoral Care Awards in October, we celebrated some of those extraordinary people and achievements. Now in our 41st year NAPCE continues championing the importance of pastoral care.

A piece of research I was involved in published by Barnardo’s last year spoke to disadvantaged young people, their parents, and their pastoral support practitioners about the cost of living crisis. The findings were shocking. Over a quarter of parents said their child’s mental health has worsened due to the situation. Many children are tired and unable to concentrate as a result of poverty. A poll by the NEU last year found two thirds of teachers had pupils come into school in dirty or ill-fitting uniform.

In the Barnardo’s research, the lack of access to healthy meals was a key concern. Governments in Scotland and Wales have already committed to extending universal free school meals provision to the whole primary age range, and the Northern Ireland Assembly is also researching options for expanded entitlement to free meals. A universal approach to school meal provision not only improves health benefits for all children, but also reduces stigma for those disadvantaged families most in need, improving access, and boosting educational attainment. England, thus far, appears to be being left behind as these progressive Celtic nations move forward. In fact, within England, regional inequality has become the worst of any comparable country, creating a patchwork of differing capacities in schools. Some schools have government-funded Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs), while others do not. Can it be right that a child growing up in one part of the UK can have such a different level of support compared to another?

Another key issue is school uniforms. Uniforms should be a leveller, but instead have become another cost pressure for families. Again, both Scotland and Wales have taken additional action through grants for families to buy school clothing and equipment. In England, new guidance has been introduced over school uniform costs – but the Government has stopped short of offering grants. Pastoral care staff know that uniforms can be an arena for a wide range of personal and wellbeing issues. These can range from unfair gender expectations, to body image issues, to the social stigma attached to not having more expensive branded or specialised uniforms. The impact of the cost of living crisis can exacerbate all of these things.

Beneath the headline demands around food was perhaps a more interesting policy idea: the ‘Full Participation Plan’. This would involve Government investment in a guaranteed set of core, practical provisions to boost child participation in school. It would include funds for uniforms, as well as a minimum baseline level of access to activities such as school trips, and wraparound care through an extended schools offer from breakfast to after-school safe study spaces with digital access. Perhaps it is an idea whose time has come.

Whatever actions governments take, we know that school staff will be working tirelessly every day to support our children. Pastoral care is more important today than ever, and the mental and physical health of vulnerable children and young people is paramount.

In March, NAPCE will hold a summit – New Direction for Pastoral Care in Education – convening experts and pastoral care staff together in Worcester to explore these ideas. In a time like this, reinvigorating the direction for pastoral care has never been more important.

Luke Myer
National Executive Committee

ARTICLE: “Misogyny & Andrew Tate” Pupil-First Group VotesForSchools Explore the Problem

Misogyny & Andrew Tate

We all know that being a teenager can be tough. It was tough when we were that age, and it’s arguably even tougher for the teenagers of today, whose teenage years are being more influenced by the online world more than ever before. And while the internet can be a source of education and community, sometimes the education and community it provides can be dangerous, such as the rise of incel culture & online misogyny.

In this article we’re going to talk about the rise of misogyny and incel culture online, the growing influence of Andrew Tate, and how you can address all of these issues in the classroom, offering some tips on how to do it. Trust us, it might not be easy, but it’s definitely necessary.


When this topic of the incel movement was put forward to us by a school, I was already familiar with it. In my 20s, I saw jokes and comments made online about the movement, mocking the members and their attempts to blame women for their problems. I saw /r/incel getting banned from Reddit. I rolled my eyes at what seemed to be yet another group of internet trolls, and moved on.

I never expected to hear “Incels” being brought up at a Prevent conference for anti-terrorism. I never thought teachers would be emailing us concerns about misogyny in their male students and the influence of Andrew Tate, a “pickup artist” who has made a name for himself by sharing controversial and outdated views on women. Slowly I began to realise that what I saw as a small group of frustrated young men had turned out to be something much bigger.

What is misogyny?

Misogyny is the hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women. It is a form of prejudice that is often rooted in gender stereotypes and traditional gender roles. Misogyny can manifest in many different ways, ranging from subtle condescension and belittling of women to more overt forms of violence and discrimination.

What does ‘Incel’ mean?

Incel, short for involuntary celibate, is a term that refers to a community of people, usually men, who are unable to find romantic partners despite wanting to. Incels often blame their lack of success with potential partners on society or biology, and may harbour resentment or hatred towards those they believe are ‘more successful in the dating world’.

What is the ‘Manosphere’?

The ‘Manosphere’ is a collection of spaces, such as blogs, forums and websites, promoting masculinity and misogyny, and opposing feminism. The Manosphere includes communities such as incels, pickup artists (PUA) and Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW).

Who is Andrew Tate?

Andrew Tate is a British-American “pickup artist” and former kickboxing champion who has gained a following for his controversial rhetoric against women. Tate has been associated with the incel community, and has been accused of promoting misogynistic and violent ideologies to his followers.

For more information about VotesforSchools and their work visit

ARTICLE: A New Year Message from NAPCE Chair Phil Jones

A New Year Message from NAPCE Chair Phil Jones

It is a great pleasure to wish all our members and supporters of NAPCE a very Happy New Year for 2023.

At a time when schools are being impacted by the ‘cost-of-living crisis’, recovering from the experience of a global pandemic alongside many other challenges, schools and colleges appreciate the importance of effective pastoral care.

One of the highlights of 2022 for NAPCE was the first live presentation event for the National Awards for Pastoral Care in Education in Worcester in September. Even a rail strike couldn’t stop the event going ahead with representatives form schools, colleges and educational organisations travelling form different parts of the United Kingdom to celebrate the achievements of the finalists being announced.

The nominations for the 2023 awards are now open and once again it will be an opportunity to recognise good practice in pastoral care in education and to value the contributions made to support learners in achieving the full potential.

The closing date for nominations is the 19thApril so make sure to get your nominations in early so they do not get lost on your to do list.

More details are available here and nominations can be made by following this link NAPCE Awards 2023 – Entry Form (

Unfortunately, a rail strike meant that we had to postpone the Anniversary Conference planned for October 2022. The good news is that the conference has been rearranged for Saturday 11th March 2023 in the Graham Hick Pavilion at Worcestershire Cricket Club in Worcester and speakers and presenters have confirmed that they are available on the new date.

The Conference will include a morning coffee chat with writers from the NAPCE academic journal special edition that looked back on the last 40 years of pastoral care in education and what pastoral care will look like for the next 40 years.

There is an excellent line up of expert speakers that will share information about areas such as the inspection of pastoral care, the latest research into pastoral care, promoting well being and good mental health and how to support learners to enable them to achieve their full potential.

Details about the Conference can be found on the website at and tickets can be reserved by following the link

A social event is taking place at the same venue on the evening of the Conference to celebrate the 40-year anniversary of the Association. We are pleased that many past members have confirmed that they will be attending the event.

The three course Anniversary Dinner will be followed by our after-dinner speaker Les Walton who was one of the founders of NAPCE.  It is going to be a special evening in the History of the National Association for Pastoral Care in Education and members and supporters of NAPCE are invited to attend and welcome to bring friends and family with them to enjoy the evening.

More details can be found at and tickets can be reserved at

The reception for the Anniversary Dinner will include an opportunity to meet the editors and authors of the new book on pastoral care being published by Cambridge Scholars in 2023.

The new NAPCE book is called “Pastoral Care in Education. Time for Change.”

This will be an opportunity to discuss the current issues in pastoral care explored in the book with the authors.

NAPCE is pleased to once again be supporting the planning and delivery of the Association for School and College Leaders annual conference for pastoral leaders.

The 2023 conference has the title “Improving Pastoral Practice. The Key to Whole School Improvement”.

It takes place in Manchester on Tuesday 31st January at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. More details can be found at ASCL – Conference for Pastoral Leaders 2023.

I will be representing NAPCE as a member of the panel at the end of the day to discuss the current issues and challenges for pastoral care in education.

NAPCE will have a display stand at the Conference.

I look forward to meeting NAPCE members at the Conference and if you can attend, please come along to the NAPCE display and say hello.

I have been invited by the Association of Education Advisors (AEOU) to be their guest speaker on Thursday 26th January.

The aim of the AEOU is to raise the quality of educational advice.

I will be talking about why we need pastoral care in education in the 21st century and encouraging participants to reflect on the important contribution effective pastoral care can make to the education of children and young people and their preparation for their future lives as members of society.

For more information about the Association of Education Advisors please visit their website at

NAPCE is once again an official supporter of Safer Internet Day. This takes place on Tuesday 7th February.

I have represented NAPCE at the planning meeting and have been invited to join the live online event from the top of the BT tower on Safer Internet Day.

The theme for this year is “Want to talk about it? Making Space for Conversations about Life Online”.

The event is important in the education calendar and promotes the safe, responsible, and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.

For more information follow the .

The website includes resources and activities for schools and parents to use with children and young people to raise their awareness about how to stay safe online.

On Thursday 9th February I have been asked to chair a conference, ‘Delivering Outstanding Pastoral Care 2023’. The Conference is organised by Education Conferences UK.

Education Conferences UK provides best practice conferences and training aimed at senior leaders, teachers, SENCOs, safeguarding leads and supports staff working in early years, primary and secondary education across maintained, academy and independent schools.

This full day Conference will look at recent changes to guidance on behaviour, exclusions, attendance and safeguarding so that you are able to remain compliant and understand the impact that these will have on your day-to-day work.

Experts will be delivering sessions on some of the biggest challenges facing pastoral leads in schools, including; responding to the cost of living crisis, supporting student mental health and wellbeing and addressing the difficulties arising out of cyber bullying.

More details can be found at Delivering Outstanding Pastoral Care Conference 2023 (

The spring meetings for NAPCE will take place on Saturday 22nd April. These will include a meeting of the National Executive Committee, the Editorial Board and the Annual General Meeting. It is planned that theses meetings will take place in London and the venue and other arrangements will be confirmed soon.

Other dates for your new diary are the presentation event for the National Awards for Pastoral Care in Education which will take place in Worcester on Friday 29th September and the autumn meetings for the Association which will take place on Saturday 14th October.

Thank you for your continued and support for the National Association for Pastoral Care in Education and for the difference you make in the education and lives of children and young people through your pastoral work.

All my best wishes,

Phil Jones
National Chair

CONFERENCE: NAPCE to Chair Online Pastoral Care Conference in February

Tickets are available now for Delivery Outstanding Pastoral Care 2023, an online conference taking place next month.

NAPCE Chair Phil Jones is delighted to have been approached to chair a virtual conference on 9th February, 2023.

Mr Jones will lead the Delivering Outstanding Pastoral Care Conference 2023 ran by Education Conferences UK.

Who should attend?
Pastoral Leaders, Senior Mental Health Leads, Behaviour Leads, Designated Safeguarding Leads, Deputy DSLs, Assistant Heads, Deputy Heads, School Counsellors and any other members of staff who wish to improve their understanding of pastoral care in schools

This conference will enable you to:

  • Get essential updates on key topics for pastoral leads in schools
  • Understand how the cost of living crisis might impact your pupils
  • Come away with practical ideas to support children and families facing poverty
  • Improve how you work with hard to reach and disengaged families
  • Gain a deeper understanding of how to work with children facing mental health challenges
  • Improve how you respond to incidents of cyber bullying to ensure pupils are effectively supported
  • Update your knowledge on school attendance and the changes to guidance and proposed changes in the Schools Bill
  • Go back to your school with practical ideas to improve your behaviour management strategy
  • Hear practical case studies from pastoral leads in schools about changes they have implemented
  • Supports CPD professional development

For more information including details on tickets and sponsorship follow this link

GOOD PRACTICE: Sharing Good Practice from the 2022 National Awards for Pastoral Care in Education

Sharing Good Practice from the 2022 National Awards for Pastoral Care in Education

The judges were very impressed with the excellent practice in pastoral care and brilliant support that is being provided for learners that was highlighted in the nominations for the 2022 Awards. This month we are sharing some of the good practice that was highlighted by the category Outstanding Contribution to Pastoral Care

The criteria for this award is:

A person, group or organisation that has made a real difference for the benefit of young people in the area of pastoral care

Finalists in 2022 were:

Outstanding Contribution to Pastoral Care – Winners and Finalists

  • YGAM
  • Niamh O’Sullivan, St Cecilia’s College
  • Hull College
  • All Saints C of E Primary School
  • Majella McCartney, St Patricks College, Dungiven.

Outstanding Contribution to Pastoral Care


YGAM is a national education charity with a social purpose to inform, educate and safeguard future generations against gambling and gaming harms. Founded by former teacher Anne Evans following her devasting experiences with gambling harms. After suffering from a gambling addiction, Annes’ son Alan committed suicide in 2010. Since then, Anne has worked tirelessly, so that in her words ‘no mother has to experience the pain she did’.    Through a portfolio of education programmes, YGAM delivers specialist training and resources to support thousands of professionals, helping to safeguard millions of young people.      Gambling Commission research shows that 11% of 11–16-year-olds have spent their own money gambling in the past week and 55,000 11–16-year-olds are classified as problem gamblers. A report from the Children’s Commissioner revealed that 93% of children play video games.     The YGAM team, made up of former teachers, has developed over 1,000 educational resources to support pastoral care staff working in a range of settings. These resources have been accredited by City & Guilds and the Royal Society of Public Health. For schools, the resources are mapped to the English PSHE and RSE Programme of Study, as well as the Welsh and Northern Ireland curriculum. Lesson plans are available from KS2 to KS5 including PowerPoints for use in pastoral time, 1-1 activities, bitesize sessions, and campaigns. The YGAM Parents Hub website further supports families with practical advice and guidance outside of the school setting. Since their largest programme launched in 2020, YGAM has trained over 8,000 professionals who are utilising the resources to reach over 1.6 million young people.     Feedback surveys show that 99% of delegates would recommend the training and resources to other pastoral care professionals with 73% saying they see an impact within just 6 months.

Niamh O’Sullivan, St Cecilia’s College

Ms Niamh O’Sullivan heads up the child protection team at St. Cecilia’s College a. Niamh embodies all that the most vulnerable pupils need. She is kind, resilient, driven, protective, welcoming and persistent. She is a role model and a safe haven, a trusted adult and a soft landing. Niamh fights to get what each girl needs; she triages their needs and signposts to support services. This includes managing the ever-lengthening lists for CBT and counselling within the school. She is herself a qualified draw and talk therapist and she provides, 1:1 sessions for many of our most in need students.   Niamh also manages to be all of these things to the adults in the school as well. She is an amazing colleague and friend to many. She supports and counsels’ senior staff on difficult situations, provides informed and experienced advice and offers it all with good humour and grace.  She is the bedrock of the pastoral team, and the school would be lost without her.

Hull College

Linda Lee is a early years tutor at Hull College and in particular entry three and level one level learners. Linda’s passion for supporting young people is a credit to herself and the college. Many of Linda’s students come from deprived backgrounds and can often have an array of concerns and issues. In particular with online safety, sexual abuse and harassment and healthy sexual relationships. Linda identifies these concerns and will think nothing more of changing her whole planned session to look at a safeguarding concern that may be affecting one or all of the group. This allows the group to become educated on how to keep themselves and those around them safe. Recently they produced a presentation to promote the sexual abuse, harassment, violence, and consent, after becoming aware of concerns for one of their peers. Linda supported the group to research and show real understanding of these dangers. Linda uses her spare time to research videos and resources that will impact her group. The understanding that this level of learners has regarding these safeguarding concerns will often rival learners on level 3 courses. Linda is preparing these students to not only keep themselves safe but to also apply it in their aspirations of caring for children, knowing that this education will be passed on in their careers.

All Saints C of E Primary School

Ben Cutler-Thomas is the Learning and Behaviour Mentor  at All Saints. He goes above and beyond for our children, coming up with new initiatives to support our children who need to regulate around and about the school ( in the learning classroom, in the corridors, in the dinner hall, in the collective worship, on the playground and even at home ). Ben liaises daily with all members of staff throughout the school and also our families too, supporting with techniques and regulation strategies to help at home. Ben is a thrive approach practitioner delivering numerous thrive sessions to our children during the day, including each lunchtime and some on occasion after school.  Ben not only supports children at school, but also our staff too. For the staff, he has created the Well-being Wednesdays, where he brings in endless treats for all the staff, catering for the different allergies etc, and all of this is out of his own pocket. There is a ” You’ve been mugged mug “, which is in recognition of kindness etc. Ben is also the Mental Health First Aider, and provides the staff with Action for Happiness monthly calendars, updates regarding MH, provides support etc.    In November 2021, Ben completed a Tandem Skydive with 4 other members of staff from throughout the school, (jumping out of a plane at 14,000ft) to raise money for the school to build a brand new kitchen, which will be designed and utilised for family learning sessions, run by Ben, more Thrive sessions, after school clubs.

Majella Mc Cartney , St Patricks College , Dungiven

Majella is an inspiration to the young people in the college and has motivated them to do amazing things.  Majella began her career at St. Patrick’s College, Dungiven 25 years ago as a history teacher. She has been the designated teacher for Safeguarding and Child Protection since 2010. Majella has, during her service here at St. Patrick’s College, taken on the role and responsibility of Acting Principal on three occasions. Majella always steps into support, nothing is ever too big of an ask when it comes to pupils, their families, staff and the wider community.    Through the Pastoral Care provision and opportunities developed by Majella and on offer at St. Patrick’s College our pupils have become socially active and have developed positive moral decision-making abilities through their experiences.    Majella has developed teams of peer mentors, senior prefects, and an active student council. Students who are involved in these programmes and initiatives are an absolute credit to her and a huge source of pride for the school.  Our students have initiative and drive beyond their years and have helped to create a culture of tolerance and acceptance that is tangible at St. Patrick’s College.  Majella has developed a strong culture of reward and recognition which has encouraged students to always do their best; Majella is instrumental to the happiness, security and general wellbeing of all students. Majella was fundamental in petitioning for and delivering the sensory room facilities used frequently by the most vulnerable and supported children. She works tirelessly with outside agencies, supporting access to therapies for pupils, such as Art therapy, Dry Arch therapy, Yoga and horse therapy to name just a few which have all had positive impact on student wellbeing and academic achievement.

Examples from Other Entrants Who Didn’t Make the Finals This Time in This Category

Mayameen Meftahi / Peak Education

Mayameen leads Intervention at Peak Education, inspired by her own lived experience, she has created an Accredited Trauma Recovery Program that she delivers to students who are in crisis, due to their own traumatic life events. Peak Education is an Independent Provision and recognises the need for a more trauma informed approach. Mayameen has gone above and beyond to make sure the needs of students are being met on a deeper level, within Pastoral Care.  Students have had life changing affects from engaging in the short Intervention Trauma Program. Understanding how trauma has impacted them, has meant they feel affirmed, heard, and understood. As well as being taught coping mechanisms that are solution focused on their trauma responses, has lessened behaviour issues, but has also allowed them to go on to be successful in life, despite what has happened to them. Mayameen touches upon her own Childhood Trauma, for which she was awarded a British Empire Medal for the Queens Honours Birthday Awards for her services to Child Victims. The students at Peak Education, respect her and aspire to follow in her footsteps. Meeting the students where they are at, establishing a bespoke Intervention Timetable for students, whereby they are met for sessions to complete the Trauma Recovery Program.  Upon completing the program, they are awarded a Certificate of Completion with Accreditation.  The sense of achievement for students with SEMH, has become evident from the results of this pastoral care initiative. Mayameen’s outstanding contribution to Pastoral Care is leading the way for those who have struggled within mainstream schools, and now no longer feel inadequate, unable or damaged by their additional support needs.

Pastoral Support in Education – Maria O Neill

Maria has worked in many pastoral roles in primary and secondary schools.  She has set up this organisation to make a positive impact on pastoral leaders and pupils.   She has written a book on proactive pastoral care to raise awareness.   Maria has organised conferences, training and set up a pastoral community.   She works with many companies and organisations like Edu Kit, My Concern, ASCL, Leadership Matters, Women Ed, etc.   She is currently finishing her PhD and writing her second book.   Maria really connects with people and provides pastoral supervision. She is often called “inspirational” and that’s the impact she has on people around her.

Partnership for Children

Partnership for Children are a small children’s mental health charity based in the UK but working with 30 partner organisations around the world to promote and support pastoral care in schools through our evidence based social and emotional learning programmes:

In the past year they celebrated their 20-year anniversary and reaching over 2 million children around the world through their school programmes.   Over the 20 years they have developed 5 Skills for Life programmes for 5–12-year-olds, including an adapted programme for children with special educational needs. Our model includes training teachers to not only deliver the programmes but take a whole school approach to pastoral care. More information can be found here:

We hope you will be inspired by the information about the 2022 nominations and that it will encourage you to make a nomination for the 2023 awards to recognise your good practice and the difference you make for the children and young people in your care. Full details about the Awards here:

EVENTS UPDATE: NAPCE Announces Plans for Spring 2023

Safer Internet Day 2023

The National Association for Pastoral Care in Education is pleased to once again be supporting Safer Internet Day.

The next Safer Internet Day will take place on Tuesday 7th February 2023.

Safer internet Day 2023 is attended by organisations worldwide in an effort to make the internet truly safe for children.

Phil Jones, National Chair represented NAPCE at the planning meeting which took place on Thursday 1st December.

The plans for Safer Internet Day 2023 include, with celebrations and learning based around the theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’.

Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, the event promotes the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.

In the UK, we are celebrating by putting children and young people’s voices at the heart of the day and encouraging them to shape the online safety support that they receive.

The UK Safer Internet Centre will be asking parents, carers, teachers, government, policymakers, and the wider online safety industry to take time to listen to children and young people and make positive change together.

This year they are hoping to answer the following questions:

  • What issues really matter to children and young people?
  • What changes do they want to see?
  • How can we all work together to advocate for them moving forward?

With your help, Safer Internet Day 2023 can be a springboard for conversations that shape how we talk about and respond to online issues, not just for one day, but throughout the whole year.

Educational materials are available for ages 3 to 7, 7 to 11, 11 to 14 and 14 to 18.

These include assembly presentations and activities to start discussions.

There are activities that can be sent home for parents to use with their children and activities that can be led by children

Follow the link for more information.

Safer Internet Day 2023 – UK Safer Internet Centre   or visit the website  visit the website

Safer Internet Day 2023 will broadcast live from the top of the BT Tower in London on Tuesday 7th February from 2-00pm until 3-20pm.

Presentation for the Association of Education Advisers

NAPCE National Chair, Phil Jones has been invited to deliver a presentation for the Association of Education Advisers.

The AOEA aim is to raise the quality of education advice.

The presentation will be delivered at an Educational Keeping in Touch Meeting organised by AOEA to listen to guest speakers and share good practice.

The presentation takes place on Thursday 26th January 2023 and the title is “Why we need pastoral care in education in the 21st century”.

The presentation will explore how effective pastoral care can support schools in providing learners with a relevant learning experience in preparation for their future lives in the modern world.

It will examine how a planned and proactive approach to pastoral care in schools can support both the academic progress and personal development of children and young people.

It will consider what demands are being made on pastoral structures and systems in schools in the 21st century and how schools can use available resources to provide effective pastoral care that enables learners to achieve their full potential.

For more information about the Association of education adviser visit their website at www.

The NAPCE 40th Anniversary Conference– ‘Is there a need for a new direction for pastoral care in education’?

You are invited to be a delegate at NAPCE Conference in Spring 2023 which is for Pastoral Leaders, Staff in Pastoral Roles, Researchers, Writers, Students, and everybody who has an interest in the important contribution pastoral care makes to the learning experience of children and young people.

The conference celebrates the 40 years that it has promoted the importance of effective pastoral care in education.

The event will examine how pastoral care and support can ensure children and young people achieve their full potential from their education and there is a brilliant line up of speakers to cover a wide range of topics.

Delegates will take away a clear understanding of the current issues and opportunities for developing effective pastoral care and the knowledge and ideas to make a real difference in the life chances of learners in their role.

The conference is excellent value for investing in your professional development with the tickets covering the costs of lunch and refreshments.

Why not get even better value, by becoming a NAPCE member at the start of the annual membership year and benefitting from discounts for NAPCE organised events?

Email for details about how to become a member of the Association as an individual, school, college or educational organisation or visit www,

Some of the areas and issues about pastoral care in education that will be explored at the conference include.

  • Government policy making
  • OFSTED priorities
  • Focus for current research
  • SEND
  • Governance
  • Learners needs
  • Challenges in a multi-cultural school
  • Independent school experience
  • Inclusion
  • Positive learning culture
  • Safeguarding
  • Pastoral leadership
  • Pastoral roles in schools

Speakers include;

  • Catherine Crooks HMI, OFSTED. Confirmed
  • Dr Noel Purdy, Stranmillis University College, Belfast. confirmed
  • Carole Gregory, Worcestershire Children First, Governor Services. confirmed
  • Maria O’Neil, Educationalist and author of ‘Proactive Pastoral Care’. confirmed
  • Ron Skelton, Headteacher and CEO of Broadway Academy in Birmingham. confirmed
  • Rachel Hart , Head of Life Advice, Lady Eleanor Holles School,
  • Dr Helen O Connor, Psychologist, St Swithuns School.
  • Dr Dee Gray, Grays Well Being, Director Young Carers Academy
  • Charlie Walker, student at the University of Exeter. NAPCE student committee member. Adviser on young people in the House of Commons. confirmed
  • Dr Matt Silver, CEO Pathways Education, NAPCE Vice Chair confirmed
  • Phil Jones, National Chair of NAPCE confirmed

The conference programme will include.

  • Expert Keynote Presentations from leading educationalists
  • Coffee Morning Chat with the writers of the 40th anniversary edition of the journal pastoral care in education which focused on the future of pastoral care and support for learners in schools and colleges.
  • The Market Place with an opportunity for delegates to interact with the guest speakers and ask your questions and share ideas.
  • Afternoon Chat Show with discussions about some of the current issues in education and in particular pastoral care.
  • Live Snapshot Presentations with practical ideas about how to improve practice’
  • Educational Displays with ideas for resources to improve practice
  • Networking and interaction with other delegates and experts who share and interest in the positive contribution effective pastoral acre and support can make to children and young people’s educational experience.

The conference will be followed by the Anniversary Dinner to celebrate the 40 years that NAPCE has been contributing to educational thinking, policy making and practice.

This includes,

  • The launch of the new pastoral care book edited by NAPCE, ‘Pastoral Care in Education- Time for Change’ to be published in 2023 by Cambridge Scholars. Some of the authors will be present to discuss the arguments presented in the book.
  • A fizz reception and three course meal
  • Les Walton CBE and Geoff Barton ASCL President invited to be our after-dinner speakers.
  • Live Cabaret entertainment
  • Bar open until 11-00pm to socialise

Tickets are limited and available on Eventbrite now.
Anniversary Dinner Tickets

Why not make a weekend of it and stay the Saturday evening in the Cathedral City of Worcester. There is a Premier Inn at the venue and a wide range of accommodation for different budgets in the city.

40th Anniversary Celebration Dinner

Would you like to invite you to be our guest for the 40th Anniversary Celebration Dinner in the Graham Hick Pavilion, at Worcestershire County Cricket Club in Worcester on Saturday 11th March 2023?

Reserve your tickets now and put this important educational event on your calendar for 2023.

The evening includes.

1. The launch of the new educational book edited by NAPCE and published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Pastoral Care in Education- Time for Change. Meet the authors and discuss the ideas in the book
2. Fizz reception
3.Celebration Dinner
4.After Dinner Speakers sharing their stories about NAPCE and thoughts about the future for education. Including Les Walton CBE, Educationalist, author of ‘Education the rock and roll years and one of the founders of NAPCE in 1982.
6.Professional Photographer
7.Pay Bar until 11-00am

Why not make an evening of it and stay in the cathedral city of Worcester for the evening. Premier Inn at the venue and other accommodation available in the city.

If you have been involved with NAPCE during its 40-year history or share NAPCE’S interest in the important contribution pastoral care can make to education and the difference it can make to children and young people achieving their full potential, then join us for this evening. Reserve your tickets now  for you, your friends colleagues and family

AWARDS: National Awards for Pastoral Care in Education is now OPEN

Entry for the National Awards for Pastoral Care in Education 2023 is now OPEN and entries are coming in.

The Awards is the first and only scheme based in the UK to recognise great practice of pastoral care providers in the education sector and is now in its fourth year.

We have been delighted with the success of the NAPCE Awards since we launched in 2020 and the initiative continues to go from strength to strength.

We hosted a busy in-person Presentation Evening at Worcestershire County Cricket Club in 2022 and we are planning to hold the 2023 event in September next year.

The closing date for all categories this year will be Wednesday 19th April, 2023, but there’s no reason to wait, get your entries in now.

Just like in previous years, the finalists of the National Awards for Pastoral Care in Education will be selected by an independent judging panel and invited to attend the ceremony to share the experience with peers and find out who wins each Award.

After record numbers of entries each year, Phil Jones, Chair of NAPCE, is hoping the Awards, once again, reaches new heights in 2023.

He said: “The NAPCE Awards continues to go from strength to strength and in just three and a half years it has become a fixture in the calendar of so many schools and colleges in the UK and further afield.

“We are now accepting entries for the National Awards for Pastoral Care in Education 2023 and I anticipate a repeat of the outstanding quality of entries we’ve seen in the past.

“Not only do we receive such a large number of entries but one of the main characteristics of the Awards that we see is the outstandingly high level of dedication to and expertise in pastoral care.

“The Awards is a brilliant opportunity to showcase great work in pastoral care across the education sector and so I encourage all schools, colleges and institutions to begin putting together their nominations.

“Entry is online and is not a lengthy process so you can dedicate your time to putting together the best possible submissions. Good luck!.”

NAPCE is inviting nominations in the following categories;

Pastoral School of the Year
Pastoral Team of the Year
Pastoral Member of Staff of the Year
Pastoral Leader of the Year
Pastoral Development of the Year
Raising Awareness about Pastoral Care
Outstanding Contribution to Pastoral Care
International Contribution to Pastoral Care

You can enter the NAPCE categories from December 1st, 2022 here Enter here

Nominations are encouraged for awards in different categories from schools and educational establishments and you DO NOT need to currently be a member of NAPCE to take part.

NAPCE Awards 2023 is an excellent opportunity to share good practice in pastoral care and through our social media, website and those of our partners, the Awards raises awareness of where pastoral support is making a real difference in the educational experience of young people.

The Awards also encourages new initiatives and ideas in pastoral care and will recognise the contributions being made to developing policy and practice in pastoral support.

This is an opportunity to recognise the impact the work of pastoral staff is having on the achievement and well being of young people.

The decisions about prize winners in each category will be made by a panel of invited professionals who work in pastoral care.

There will be a prize of £100.00 for the school or institution for the winners of each category and individuals will also be recognised for their achievements.

The criteria for the NAPCE awards are;

•Pastoral School of the Year
A school that can demonstrate a commitment to pastoral care and support for learners that makes a real difference in the progress and personal development of young people in the school

•Pastoral Team of the Year
A team that works in pastoral care and can demonstrate a determination to support young people to achieve their full potential and a positive impact on the young people they work with

•Pastoral Member of Staff of the Year
A member of staff who works in pastoral care and who always makes the extra effort to support young people to enable them to become effective learners and achieve success

•Pastoral Leader of the Year
Has a passion for pastoral care that is shared with colleagues to inspire and motivate them to make a real difference in the lives of the young people they work with

•Pastoral Development of the Year
A pastoral initiative or idea that has achieved positive outcomes and has improved the learning experience and future life chances, for young people

•Raising Awareness about Pastoral Care
An individual, group or organisation who through their actions have raised awareness about pastoral care or pastoral issues and encouraged positive improvements for the benefit of young people

•Outstanding Contribution to Pastoral Care
A person, group or organisation that has made a real difference for the benefit of young people in the area of pastoral care

•International Contribution to Pastoral CareAn international school, organisation outside of the UK or an individual working in research or in an international school outside of the UK, that has promoted or delivered high quality pastoral care.

Nominations for the NAPCE Awards are welcome from member schools and institutions and from schools and institutions that are not currently members of NAPCE.

National Awards for Pastoral Care in Education – Sponsorship Opportunity

The categories for the awards are
Pastoral School of the Year
Pastoral Team of the Year
Pastoral Member of Staff of the Year
Pastoral Leader of the Year
Pastoral Development of the Year
Raising Awareness about Pastoral Care
Outstanding Contribution to Pastoral Care
International Contribution to Pastoral Care

Further details about the awards and links to make nominations can be found at
NAPCE is pleased to invite partner organisations to sponsor one of the categories for the 2023 awards. Sponsors contribute £150.00 to cover the costs of prizes in each category. Sponsors will be promoted in publicity and social media messages about the awards, be named on the presentation plaques and invited to the Live Presentation event in Worcester on Friday 29th September 2023. To confirm your interest in supporting the Awards as a sponsor in 2023 or to ask for more details please contact Phil Jones, National Chair at

The fourth year of the National Awards for Pastoral Care in Education launched on 1st December with the opening of nominations. The awards are now a well-established part of the education calendar and schools, colleges, universities, and educational organisations have been involved from across the United Kingdom and other parts of the world. The awards promote good practice is pastoral care in education and recognise the hard work and achievement of professionals working in education to support children and young people to achieve their full potential.

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